Journal of GeoEngineering

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Article(s)  (Vol.10  No.1)

"Numerical model of viscous debris flows with depth-dependent yield strength"
Hengbin Wu, Na He, and Xuefu Zhang
[Abstract]    [Full Text]

"Finite difference scheme for finite strain consolidation considering secondary compression"
Masaru Akaishi, and Huei-Wen Chang, Wen-Chao Huang, Koichi Iinuma
[Abstract]    [Full Text]

"Utilization of the confined cell for improving the machine foundation behavior-numerical study"
Waseim R. Azzam
[Abstract]    [Full Text]

"Ultimate bearing capacity of circular footing on layered soil"
Vipin Chandra Joshi, Rakesh Kumar Dutta, and Rajnish Shrivastava
[Abstract]    [Full Text]