Journal of GeoEngineering

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Article(s)  (Vol.13  No.2)

"Empirical relationships of cptu results and undrained shear strength"
Akbar Cheshomi
[Abstract]    [Full Text]

"Predicting subgrade stiffness of nanostructured palm bunch ash stabilized lateritic soil for transport geotechnics purposes"
Kennedy Chibuzor Onyelowe and Duc Bui Van
[Abstract]    [Full Text]

"Pile defect identification based on multi-higher order moment feature"
Weixin Kang, Yuchen Zhao, and Lingxi Liu
[Abstract]    [Full Text]

"Strength behavior of subgrade soil mixed with sand manufacturing dust and fiber"
Sharon Raju, Sreevalsa Kolathayar, and Anil Kumar Sharma
[Abstract]    [Full Text]

"Detecting the remaining structure foundation using ground penetrating radar: the outer wall of small east gate of taiwan-fu, taiwan "
Der-Her Lee, Sin-Long Lai, Jian-Hong Wu, Shun-Kung Chang, and Yan-Min Dong
[Abstract]    [Full Text]