Journal of GeoEngineering

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Article(s)  (Vol.19  No.1)

"Numerical investigation of response mechanisms of a single pile under ground deformation and rupture induced by reverse faulting"
Jiunn-Shyang Chiou, Yi-Wun Lee, and Cheng-En Ho
[Abstract]    [Full Text]

"Controlled low strength materials (clsm) as bedding layer ⎯ an experlmental study and numenical evaluation"
Neeraj Meshram, Chandan Kumar Singh, and K. Lini Dev
[Abstract]    [Full Text]

"Centrifuge modeling of normal fault rupture through composited overburden strata"
Wen-Yi Hung, Ida Agustin Nomleni, and Dicky Pratama Soegianto
[Abstract]    [Full Text]

"Numerical and experimental study on the behavior of piles subjected to liquefaction-induced lateral spreading"
Yung-Yen Ko and Pei-Jou Chang
[Abstract]    [Full Text]