Journal of GeoEngineering

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Article(s)  (Vol.6  No.1)

"The importance of drainage control for geosynthetic reinforced mechanically stabilized earth walls"
Robert M. Koerner and George R. Koerner
[Abstract]    [Full Text]

"The shear behavior obtained from the direct shear and pullout tests for different poor graded soil-geosynthetic systems"
Chiwan Wayne Hsieh, Gee Ham Chen, and Jeng-Han Wu
[Abstract]    [Full Text]

"Location of failure plane and design considerations for narrow geosynthetic reinforced soil wall systems"
Kuo-Hsin Yang, Jorge G. Zornberg, Wen-Yi Hung, and Chris R. Lawson
[Abstract]    [Full Text]

"Laboratory study on the consolidation settlement of clay-filled geotextile tube and bags"
Soon Hoe Chew, Piow Yang Pang, Czhia Yheaw Tan, and Kok Eng Chua
[Abstract]    [Full Text]

"Field performance of a hybrid reinforced earth embankment built adjacent to a slope with narrow fill space"
Chia-Cheng Fan and Chin-Fu Hsiao
[Abstract]    [Full Text]

"Geotechnical characteristics of bauxite residue sand mixed with crumbed rubber from recycled car tires"
Mohamed A. Shahin, Tyrone Mardesic, and Hamid R. Nikraz
[Abstract]    [Full Text]