Journal of GeoEngineering

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Article(s)  (Vol.16  No.2)

"Axial component of plastic modulus of sand under slow periodic load"
Pingxin Xia, Chao Zeng, Longtan Shao, Xiong Zhang, and Xiaoxia Guo
[Abstract]    [Full Text]

"Project deepgeo ⎯ data-driven 3d subsurface mapping"
Kok-Kwang Phoon and Jianye Ching
[Abstract]    [Full Text]

"Book review: model uncertainties in foundation design"
Chang-Yu Ou
[Abstract]    [Full Text]

"Discussion of “analytical solution for passive earth pressure of c-φ soil using principal stress rotation assumption”"
Hassan Sarfaraz and Mohammad Hossein Khosravi
[Abstract]    [Full Text]

"Closure to “analytical solution for passive earth pressure of c-φ soil using principal stress rotation assumption”"
Kourosh Ghaffari Irdmoosa and Hadi Shahir
[Abstract]    [Full Text]