Journal of GeoEngineering

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Article(s)  (Vol.8  No.2)

"Durability and leachate analysis of fly ash-lime-gypsum composite mixed with treated tire chips "
S. P. Guleria and R. K. Dutta
[Abstract]    [Full Text]

"Evaluation of force-equilibrium and deformation-based design approaches for predicting reinforcement loads within geosynthetic-reinforced soil structures"
Kuo-Hsin Yang, Panji Utomo, and Tai-Ling Liu
[Abstract]    [Full Text]

"Initial rate of secondary compression in one-dimensional consolidation analysis"
Toshihiko Takeda, Motohiro Sugiyama, Masaru Akaishi, and Huei-Wen Chang
[Abstract]    [Full Text]

"Investigation of abnormal seepages in an earth dam using resistivity tomography"
Chih-Ping Lin, Yin-Chun Hung, Zen-Hung Yu, and Po-Lin Wu
[Abstract]    [Full Text]